Our mission and the Creatives we serve, need YOU!
Let’s Do Some Good Work – TOGETHER!
Finance is key in any venture, and every dollar is greatly appreciated, but the value of people rolling up their sleeves to engage in acts of service can not be overstated! We are always looking to build partnerships with those whose mission & vision align with ours. We are humbled by the partnerships we currently have with individuals, organizations, and corporations nationwide. We are intentional about cultivating those relationships, and equally passionate about forming new ones.
Please, consider how best you can help us “answer the call”. We have an ever growing Volunteer Program filled with people who are joyously serving our Creatives! More recently, we’ve launched a brand new internship program for career development and advancement. As always, your monetary donations are always needed, appreciated, and put to GOOD USE! Via the buttons below, you can choose what speaks loudest to you.
We are eager to link arms with you, as we serve those who need the healing, wholeness, and freedom that God’s Butterfly THE MOVEMENT is committed to walking them to!
Apply To Our Internship Program!
Become a Volunteer!
Complete This Form for an Opportunity to Serve On Our Board of Directors